Home Safety Assessments

Falls, the majority of which occur within the home, are a leading cause of injury and hospitalizations for those 65 years of age and older.  More than one in four older Americans fall each year, and falling once doubles your chances of falling again.  In fact, every second of every day within the United States an older adult falls, making these falls the number one cause of injuries and deaths from injuries among older Americans according to the CDC.  

Such injuries are largely preventable by identifying specific areas of risk, and ensuring a safe and secure environment within your home.  Utilizing our proprietary Home Safety Assessment application, IKOR will conduct a comprehensive 101 point safety check in all areas of your home, and provide you detailed recommendations within each specific living area.  IKOR has access to the best contractors and service providers to ensure whatever modifications may be required can be done properly and at a fair price to ensure your safety within your home.